10 Cyber Security Best Practices Everyone Should Know

10 Cyber Security Best Practices Everyone Should Know

We all want to keep our information safe, but cyber security is a complex subject. There are so many ways that an attacker can gain access to your data, and you need to be careful about what you click on and share online – even if it comes from someone you know personally. Here are some best practices for keeping your data secure:

We all want to keep our information safe, but cyber security is a complex subject. There are so many ways that an attacker can gain access to your data, and you need to be careful about what you click on and share online – even if it comes from someone you know personally. Here are some best practices for keeping your data secure:

Keep your software up to date.

Keep your software up to date.

1. Keeping your software up-to-date is one of the best ways to ensure you’re as secure as possible. In fact, according to the Ponemon Institute, 57% of cyberattack victims report that their breaches could have been prevented by installing an available patch Update all software applications, middleware, operating systems, and hardware devices regularly on all devices. This is especially important if you use legacy operating systems and/or applications that still can be patched.
2. Keep antivirus software updated regularly, too. There are many types of malware—some are more advanced than others—and they have many ways to sneak onto your computer without being detected by antivirus programs like Norton AntiVirus (Norton) or AVG AntiVirus Free (Avast).

1. Keeping your software up-to-date is one of the best ways to ensure you’re as secure as possible. In fact, according to the Ponemon Institute, 57% of cyberattack victims report that their breaches could have been prevented by installing an available patch Update all software applications, middleware, operating systems, and hardware devices regularly on all devices. This is especially important if you use legacy operating systems and/or applications that still can be patched.
2. Keep antivirus software updated regularly, too. There are many types of malware—some are more advanced than others—and they have many ways to sneak onto your computer without being detected by antivirus programs like Norton AntiVirus (Norton) or AVG AntiVirus Free (Avast).

Update your operating system.

Update your operating system.

1. You may be surprised to learn that you can update your operating system. In the event, your application/operating system is not being supported i.e. Windows XP, Vista by Microsoft, or others. Please move to a more current version that has patches available. If not, please segregate these machines or applications from your network with security safeguards in place. This is an excellent practice for all users, as it helps protect against cyber attacks and other vulnerabilities.
2. To check for updates, go to Settings in the upper left corner of your screen and select “Software Updates.” If there are any available, they’ll appear here when you click on them; otherwise, they’ll be grayed out (meaning they’re not available) because you still need to install them. You’ll also see an option called “Check for Updates Now.” Click that button immediately after opening up this menu to ensure all of your software is up-to-date before doing anything else!

1. You may be surprised to learn that you can update your operating system. In the event, your application/operating system is not being supported i.e. Windows XP, Vista by Microsoft, or others. Please move to a more current version that has patches available. If not, please segregate these machines or applications from your network with security safeguards in place. This is an excellent practice for all users, as it helps protect against cyber attacks and other vulnerabilities.
2. To check for updates, go to Settings in the upper left corner of your screen and select “Software Updates.” If there are any available, they’ll appear here when you click on them; otherwise, they’ll be grayed out (meaning they’re not available) because you still need to install them. You’ll also see an option called “Check for Updates Now.” Click that button immediately after opening up this menu to ensure all of your software is up-to-date before doing anything else!

Use strong passwords for all accounts.

Use strong passwords for all accounts.

1. Use a password manager. A good password manager will help you create and store strong, unique passwords that are easy to remember. Generally, these are stored in an encrypted manner and safe than putting the passwords on a document and/or spreadsheet.
2. Ensure your passwords are different for each account—don’t use the same one across multiple sites or services. You can also use two-factor authentication (2FA) if possible, which adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to provide additional information before being able to log in.
3. Please don’t use personal information like birthdays or the names of family members as passwords; it’s best practice not to disclose any personal details online!
4. Try and change your passwords every 60-90 days and do not use the same password over and over again.
5. Monitor password breaches of all the platforms you use/ Please change the password if you find a compromised ID/password due to a breach.

1. Use a password manager. A good password manager will help you create and store strong, unique passwords that are easy to remember. Generally, these are stored in an encrypted manner and safe than putting the passwords on a document and/or spreadsheet.
2. Ensure your passwords are different for each account—don’t use the same one across multiple sites or services. You can also use two-factor authentication (2FA) if possible, which adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to provide additional information before being able to log in.
3. Please don’t use personal information like birthdays or the names of family members as passwords; it’s best practice not to disclose any personal details online!
4. Try and change your passwords every 60-90 days and do not use the same password over and over again.
5. Monitor password breaches of all the platforms you use/ Please change the password if you find a compromised ID/password due to a breach.

Encrypt sensitive data.

Encrypt sensitive data.

Encryption, or converting data into an unreadable format, is one of the best ways to keep your data safe. If you lose a phone or laptop that contains sensitive information and it falls into the wrong hands, then all that information will be useless. If you use cloud services like Dropbox or Google Drive for storing files online, they’re encrypted by default. This means that when someone tries to access those files from their device—even if they have “full permissions” (i.e., root access) on your machine—they’ll see gibberish instead of what’s inside them! You can also encrypt files on your computer by choosing “Encrypt” when saving something in Windows Explorer/File Explorer; this way, only people with access can read what’s inside them.
* Note: If no one has access but still wants access? You’re probably screwed!

Encryption, or converting data into an unreadable format, is one of the best ways to keep your data safe. If you lose a phone or laptop that contains sensitive information and it falls into the wrong hands, then all that information will be useless. If you use cloud services like Dropbox or Google Drive for storing files online, they’re encrypted by default. This means that when someone tries to access those files from their device—even if they have “full permissions” (i.e., root access) on your machine—they’ll see gibberish instead of what’s inside them! You can also encrypt files on your computer by choosing “Encrypt” when saving something in Windows Explorer/File Explorer; this way, only people with access can read what’s inside them.
* Note: If no one has access but still wants access? You’re probably screwed!

Back up your data to an external drive or cloud storage regularly.

Back up your data to an external drive or cloud storage regularly.

It’s essential to back up your data regularly. If a disaster occurs, you’ll be glad that you did. You can back up your data in several ways:
1. An external drive or cloud storage provider (e.g., Dropbox).
2. A hard-drive-backed cloud backup solution (e.g., Crashplan).
3. A software program that automatically backs up files and folders on its own—for example, Carbonite (for Macs) or Mozy Pro (for PCs).

It’s essential to back up your data regularly. If a disaster occurs, you’ll be glad that you did. You can back up your data in several ways:
1. An external drive or cloud storage provider (e.g., Dropbox).
2. A hard-drive-backed cloud backup solution (e.g., Crashplan).
3. A software program that automatically backs up files and folders on its own—for example, Carbonite (for Macs) or Mozy Pro (for PCs).

Only install apps from official stores or trusted developers.

Only install apps from official stores or trusted developers.

When installing apps, it’s essential only to install apps from official stores or trusted developers. In other words, don’t install apps from third-party app stores that you are not familiar with. Always check the URL of the app store to make sure it’s not a redirected link. If you decide to use a third-party store, check reviews and ratings before installing an app—you may be surprised by what you find!
Installing an unknown application can also put your device at risk of viruses or malware attacks that could compromise its security capabilities in some way. This means that even if the developer claims their product is safe, there’s no guarantee they won’t have done anything risky along those lines (like injecting ads into it).

When installing apps, it’s essential only to install apps from official stores or trusted developers. In other words, don’t install apps from third-party app stores that you are not familiar with. Always check the URL of the app store to make sure it’s not a redirected link. If you decide to use a third-party store, check reviews and ratings before installing an app—you may be surprised by what you find!
Installing an unknown application can also put your device at risk of viruses or malware attacks that could compromise its security capabilities in some way. This means that even if the developer claims their product is safe, there’s no guarantee they won’t have done anything risky along those lines (like injecting ads into it).

Get antivirus/ anti-malware software, and keep it updated.

Get antivirus/ anti-malware software, and keep it updated.

1. Get antivirus/ anti-malware software, and keep it updated.
2. Use a different password for each account you have. This is especially important if you have any sensitive information stored on your computer or online accounts that could be accessed by someone else in the event of theft or loss of data (for example, Social Security numbers).
3. Avoid clicking on links in emails or social media posts unless they’re known to be safe sites that don’t require authentication—and even then, only click through after verifying the site’s authenticity with something like Google Chrome’s phishing filter (which shows how well a particular website has been tested).

1. Get antivirus/ anti-malware software, and keep it updated.
2. Use a different password for each account you have. This is especially important if you have any sensitive information stored on your computer or online accounts that could be accessed by someone else in the event of theft or loss of data (for example, Social Security numbers).
3. Avoid clicking on links in emails or social media posts unless they’re known to be safe sites that don’t require authentication—and even then, only click through after verifying the site’s authenticity with something like Google Chrome’s phishing filter (which shows how well a particular website has been tested).

Install security patches and updates as soon as possible.

Install security patches and updates as soon as possible.

1. Security patches and updates are an essential part of keeping your software up-to-date. If you don’t install them, you risk having vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit.
2. The first step in ensuring that your software is as secure as possible is to ensure that it has been updated with the latest security patches from Microsoft or Apple.
3. If a new patch is available for your operating system, it should be automatically downloaded when you run Windows Update on Windows 10 (or macOS High Sierra). Ensure all of these services are working correctly before proceeding with any further steps listed below!

1. Security patches and updates are an essential part of keeping your software up-to-date. If you don’t install them, you risk having vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit.
2. The first step in ensuring that your software is as secure as possible is to ensure that it has been updated with the latest security patches from Microsoft or Apple.
3. If a new patch is available for your operating system, it should be automatically downloaded when you run Windows Update on Windows 10 (or macOS High Sierra). Ensure all of these services are working correctly before proceeding with any further steps listed below!

Be careful about what you click on and share online - even if it comes from someone you know personally.

Be careful about what you click on and share online - even if it comes from someone you know personally.

The most obvious example is the link in an email or message, but there are plenty of other models. For example:
1. Please don’t click on links in social media messages from people you don’t know; they could be scams!
2. Please only click on links in chat rooms or forums if they’re essential (and even then, do your research). They may be unsafe or otherwise harmful to your computer system!
3. If something seems suspicious when clicking one of these sites (and most things do), don’t just give up and ignore it altogether – instead, use common sense and think about how safe this site might be before giving access to anything else like personal information, etc.

The most obvious example is the link in an email or message, but there are plenty of other models. For example:
1. Please don’t click on links in social media messages from people you don’t know; they could be scams!
2. Please only click on links in chat rooms or forums if they’re essential (and even then, do your research). They may be unsafe or otherwise harmful to your computer system!
3. If something seems suspicious when clicking one of these sites (and most things do), don’t just give up and ignore it altogether – instead, use common sense and think about how safe this site might be before giving access to anything else like personal information, etc.

Refrain from using passwords across different services and accounts - use a vault or password manager instead!

Refrain from using passwords across different services and accounts - use a vault or password manager instead!

Password manager: A password manager is an online tool that stores your usernames, passwords, and other sensitive information. It allows you to access all this information from any device in the world without having to remember multiple credentials. Most people have heard about 1Password or Last Pass, but there are many others. You can also use third-party applications like Dashlane and 1Password for Mac if you want one built specifically for Apple users (or Android). If you’re looking for something free, try KeePassXC – it’s open-source and doesn’t require any downloads!

Password manager: A password manager is an online tool that stores your usernames, passwords, and other sensitive information. It allows you to access all this information from any device in the world without having to remember multiple credentials. Most people have heard about 1Password or Last Pass, but there are many others. You can also use third-party applications like Dashlane and 1Password for Mac if you want one built specifically for Apple users (or Android). If you’re looking for something free, try KeePassXC – it’s open-source and doesn’t require any downloads!



This list of best practices will help you stay safe online. We recommend keeping these tips in mind, even if it feels like a lot of effort to constantly check your devices and accounts for signs of malware or other malicious activity. The last thing we want is to have our data stolen or used against us through some shady online training!

This list of best practices will help you stay safe online. We recommend keeping these tips in mind, even if it feels like a lot of effort to constantly check your devices and accounts for signs of malware or other malicious activity. The last thing we want is to have our data stolen or used against us through some shady online training!

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